Please find attached the order and notice in relation to temporarily closing the attached roads. Should you have any further queries regarding this closure, please contact the Gloucestershire...
Tewkesbury welcomes Tour of Britain for the men’s race – 9th September 2022
The Men’s Tour of Britain Cycle Race will be starting in Tewkesbury on Friday 9th September and coming past or through a number of local parishes! Please see the following link for more...
Autumn Newsletter available now
The Autumn newsletter from Tewkesbury Town Council is available here: Autumn Newsletter...
Free Tours of the Town Hall – part of Heritage Open Days
Every September thousands of volunteers across England organise events to celebrate our fantastic history and culture. It's your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – all of...
Office closing early Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July 2022
Due to the high temperatures forecast, the Town Council office will close at midday on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July. If you would like to contact us via email...
Waste & Recycling collections starting early 18 & 19 July
Waste and recycling collections to start earlier during high temperatures Due to the very high temperatures expected next week, waste and recycling collection crews will start their...
The Play Rangers are back this summer in Tewkesbury!
Play Gloucestershire’s Play Rangers are back in Tewkesbury this Summer! Sessions are running on the Vineyards on Friday 29th July and Thursday 25th August 2022. There are also two sessions at...
Energy rebate update
Energy rebate payments on target for eligible Tewkesbury Borough households Tewkesbury Borough Council is pleased to confirm that it is on target to pay out the energy rebate due to eligible...
Abbey Mill Bridge Footpath Closures
The Abbey Mill Bridge footpath will be closed during working hours on Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June to allow for work to take place on the eel pass. A diversion will be in...
What makes Tewkesbury great? – TBC Wants to know!
A community street survey has been launched to understand what the everyday experience of Tewkesbury town centre is like for the people who use it. The survey is being run by the High...