


To consider and respond to:

  • Planning applications and enforcements
  • Highways schemes, National infrastructure schemes and other consenting regimes
  • Government consultations

The Planning Committee meets regularly, normally twice a month at 7.30pm on a Wednesday evening.  The Planning Committee normally holds meetings in the Old Court Room on the ground floor of the Town Hall.

Committee Members

Alan Hayes – Deputy Town Mayor

Councillor (Newtown Ward), Chair of Staffing Committee

I moved with my family to Tewkesbury in 1979 to…
Joanne Raywood for website

Joanne Raywood

Councillor (South Ward), Chair of Planning Committee

I moved to Tewkesbury from northern England with my husband…

Paul Jones – Town Mayor

Councillor (North Ward), Chair of Finance Committee

I first came to Gloucestershire in 1987, then moved to…
Simon Raywood for website

Simon Raywood

Councillor (South Ward), Chair of Environment & Amenitites Committee

I was born in Cheltenham and have lived almost my…

The committee is also joined regularly by our two lay members Mr R Maggs and Mr R Carey, who make a valuable contribution to the meetings.

About our committee

This committee meets once a fortnight to consider and respond to local and national planning initiatives from a variety of sources. These include consultations with national government on national infrastructure projects such as major road projects, Tewkesbury Borough Council on local planning applications such as specific building upgrades and neighbouring authorities such as Wychavon District Council, where issues might have a potential impact in Tewkesbury. Our local insight and understanding of our parishioners can influence the final outcome of planning aspirations.

The planning committee meets regularly in the Old Court Room on the ground floor of the Town Hall at or around 7.30pm on a Wednesday evening. Do check the Council website for further details, including the agenda for the next of the fortnightly meetings which always include opportunities for public participation, as we actively welcome public engagement with the council.

Useful references

To find our agendas, please click here

To view our minutes, please click here

To learn how to respond to National Infrastructure Projects, follow this link here

Current Consultations

Tewkesbury Borough Council want to know your thoughts on their vision for the future of the borough.

Have your say, as your feedback is important. All current consultations can be found here

Tewkesbury Town Council