Climate Change Actions

Climate Change Actions

On 9th September 2019, Tewkesbury Town Council declared a Climate Emergency.

To support this declaration, a Climate Change Working Group was formed.  The purpose of the group is to review the Town Council’s operation and make environmentally friendly improvements and to promote and encourage positive climate change actions within Tewkesbury Town.

To date these actions include:

  • Changing all Town Council owned buildings to a renewable energy provider
  • Becoming a recycling point for toothbrushes & toothpaste tubes, corks and cheese wrappers
  • Water saving blocks used in all public toilets
  • Collecting out of date bandages for Vale Wildlife Hospital
  • Recycling plastic ring holders
  • The Town Hall is now a water refill point
  • All public toilets are stocked with recycled toilet paper
  • Taking part in ‘No Mow May’ to support bees and insects early in the year
  • Providing new mixed waste bins on the Severn Ham to prevent littering
  • Reducing paper usage – Councillors ‘opt in’ to receive paper packs
  • Staff using as their search engine (Ecosia use their profits to plant trees)
  • Signed up to the NALC Tree Charter
  • Removing single use plastics from the Watson Hall bar
  • Removing single use plastics from the Town Hall & Watson Hall kitchens
  • Supporting ‘Plastic Free Tewkesbury’ campaign
  • Working with GCC to improve and publicise cycle paths around Tewkesbury and beyond
  • Supporting the Local Electricity Bill (motion passed in Full Council – September 2020)
  • Installing a water refill point in Spring Gardens car park
  • Lagging pipes at the Town Hall
  • Organising Tewkesbury Goes Wild
  • Installing ‘swap boxes’ across the Town, to prevent items going to landfill


The Climate Change Working Group were also interested to read the findings of the first Climate Assembly UK , which were published in Autumn 2020, for more information visit:

Members of the Town Council also participated in the Tewkesbury COP26 Awareness rally in October 2021