Details about the 2030 event including the feedback report issues in November 2021 can be accessed via this...
Tewkesburys Together Festival Videos 2021
A collection of videos from the Tewkesbury Together Festival 2021 – a time to celebrate and learn more about not only our own Tewkesbury, but other Tewkesburys around the...
Draft Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage: Design Guidance for Tewkesbury Borough SPD
Draft Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage: Design Guidance for Tewkesbury Borough SPD The Draft Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage: Design Guidance for Tewkesbury Borough SPD was approved for...
Tewkesbury Borough’s Draft Heritage Strategy Consultation
Please note Tewkesbury Borough Council's Draft Heritage Strategy The Draft Tewkesbury Borough Heritage Strategy was approved for public consultation, at a meeting of the Council’s Executive...
Tewkesbury 2030 Future Projects Exhibition
Image Text reads: At: The Watson Hall, Barton Street On: Saturday 18 September 10am - 4pm FREE ENTRY Stands will include: • £28M Flood Defence • Ashchurch Garden Town Concept • New...
The Play Rangers are back in Tewkesbury this Summer!
Play Gloucestershire's Play Rangers are back in Tewkesbury this Summer! Sessions are running on the Vineyards on Monday 26th July, Friday 20th August and Friday 27th August. There is...
Mayor Making 2021 – Cllr Joanne Raywood elected Town Mayor
We are delighted to announce that Cllr Joanne Raywood is the elected Mayor for Tewkesbury Town. The ceremonial 'Mayor Making' took place this week. The Mayor's Charity Fund this year will be used...
Council transforms bulky waste collection
Tewkesbury Borough Council’s bulky waste collection has been transformed to offer a service that is as friendly to the environment as it is to its customers. Following a review of the service,...
Highways England A46 M5 junction 9 to Teddington Hands roundabout resurfacing letter to stakeholders
A46 M5 junction 9 to Teddington Hands roundabout resurfacing letter to stakeholders Please see the attached letter in relation to A46 M5 junction 9 to Teddington Hands roundabout resurfacing. ...
Covid-19 Vaccine information
The Covid-19 vaccine will be one of the best ways of protecting yourself and starting to get back on the path to normality. Healthcare workers, social care workers and care home staff will get the...