
Tewkesbury Town Crier reaches 20 years’ service

Tewkesbury Town Council is delighted to announce that Mike Kean-Price, Tewkesbury’s Town Sergeant and Common Crier completed 20 years service on Friday 12th October.

In recognition of Mike’s loyal service and dedication, the Town Council unanimously resolved to award Mike the title of Honorary Freeman of the town.  The title can be awarded to persons of distinction and those who, in the Council’s opinion, have rendered eminent services to the Council’s area.

Cllr Christine Danter, Mayor of Tewkesbury Town Council said: “’I think that anyone who has served as Mayor over the last 20 years will say that it is a privilege to have Mike by your side, to give you the guidance and support and confidence that you so often need.

“I feel sorry for any Mayor who doesn’t have a Mike.

Thank you for 20 magnificent years service and may we all enjoy many more.”

This is the first time that Tewkesbury Town Council has used its powers to make such an award.