
Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023

Please see below from Nigel Adams, Democratic and Elections Adviser, Tewkesbury Borough Council:

Further to the most recent Parish Matters Update and the subsequent Parish Seminar in September 2023, I write to confirm that we have now commenced the statutory review of polling districts and polling places within the Borough.

The purpose of the review is to assess the ongoing suitability of the current arrangements and identify where changes may be required.  From a practical perspective, we need to consider whether the existing polling places/stations remain fit-for-purpose or whether there are alternative locations/premises which might be better in terms of facilities for voters and convenience/accessibility, particularly for those with disabilities.

The formal notice of the review was published on Monday, and we are now in the consultation stage.  This email is your invitation to contribute to the review (and is being sent to all our parish/town councils/meetings).  Whilst we would be particularly interested to hear from you in relation to any polling place/station within your parish area, please feel free to comment on other aspects if you wish (including whether you feel that your parish should be divided into more than one polling district because of, say, elector numbers).

We will be consulting widely on the review, including with the other elected representatives who serve the Borough area (i.e. our own borough councillors, MPs, county councillors), and political associations that are active within the Borough.

More generally, comments are welcome from electors within the Council area or associated Parliamentary constituency.

Our website contains more detailed information about the review, including background, timetable, a list of the current polling districts and places plus an interactive map, some practical considerations that might help with formulating consultation responses, how representations can be made, an online feedback form, the consultation deadline (3 November), and the process after the consultation ends.  The relevant page can be accessed via the following link –

People can respond to the review in the following ways:

These options are available to you – along with simply replying to this email should you so wish. For ease, here is a List of current polling places

As mentioned above, the deadline for comments and representations is Friday 3 November 2023.  Please be aware that upon completion of the review, all correspondence and representations received will be published.  However, any personal details will be redacted prior to publication.

If you have any questions about the review, if you would like information in another format or would like support to respond please contact the Council’s Elections Team: