
Tewkesbury Borough’s Draft Heritage Strategy Consultation

Please note Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Draft Heritage Strategy

The Draft Tewkesbury Borough Heritage Strategy was approved for public consultation, at a meeting of the Council’s Executive Committee on 1st September 2021.

This consultation will run for a 6 week period between Friday 17th September 2021 and Friday 29th October 2021.  All comments must be received by 4pm on Friday 29th October 2021.

Following the consultation, we will consider comments received and will amend the Heritage Strategy as appropriate, before adopting the finalised strategy.

The Draft Heritage Strategy is available to view below:

Paper copies of the documents can also be viewed at Tewkesbury Borough Council’s main offices (at the address below) and at all libraries and advice Centres in the borough – opening times and other details are available at

Representations should be made in writing, either via:

·        email to

·        or by post to: Planning Policy Team, Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5TT

All personal data will be stored in line with data-protection law under the General Data Protection Regulations (2018)However, for planning consultations, comments cannot be treated confidentially, and will be made publicly available, attributed to your name and/or organisation, although contact details will not be published or shared with third parties.

If you have any questions about this consultation, please contact the Council’s Conservation Specialist, Julian Bagg, by email at or by telephone at 01684 272060.

View the original post here