Alan Hayes – Deputy Town Mayor
Councillor (Newtown Ward), Chair of Staffing Committee
I moved with my family to Tewkesbury in 1979 to…
ttccouncillorhayes@outlook.comCatherine Robertson
Councillor (Newtown Ward)
My husband and I moved to Tewkesbury in 2021, having…
crobertson.towncouncillor@gmail.comHilarie Bowman
Councillor (South Ward), Borough Councillor
I moved to Tewkesbury in July 2019 from Milton Keynes,…
hilarie.bowmanttc@gmail.comJoanne Raywood
Councillor (South Ward), Chair of Planning Committee
I moved to Tewkesbury from northern England with my husband…
jeraywood@gmail.comMike Sztymiak
Councillor (North Ward), Borough Councillor
Mike is a Councillor for Tewkesbury North Ward as well…