
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service Response Review Consultation – Have your say!

Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS) is seeking the views of the public on proposed changes to the service, which would include an increase in fire cover in line with risk and demand across the county.

The proposals include an increase of 14 firefighters (including crew and watch managers) in the county, with the introduction of a new day shift station at Cinderford.

There would also be a change to a 12-hour shift pattern. The shift pattern changes from 9-hour-day and 15-hour-night shifts to 12-hour shifts could improve the ability to have the right people, in the right place to respond to emergencies and provide prevention and community safety as well as benefit the health and safety of firefighters.

The consultation lasts for 12 weeks, ending on Sunday 9 June 2024. For more information and to take part, please go to:

GFRS wants to hear the views and feedback of Gloucestershire communities, workforce and stakeholders on the proposals. No decisions or changes to fire resources will be made until the public consultation has been concluded.

GFRS wants to ensure it keeps communities safe through reviewing its resources to meet its priorities outlined in its Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2022-2026