
Energy rebate update

Energy rebate payments on target for eligible Tewkesbury Borough households

Tewkesbury Borough Council is pleased to confirm that it is on target to pay out the energy rebate due to eligible households who pay council tax by direct debit by the end of June.

To date, the council has paid the rebate to 21,749 households who pay council tax by direct debit, and those who do not pay by direct debit are being written to with details on the steps they need to take.

The council’s rebate team has identified a small number of direct debit accounts that have not been active since January, the account holder will therefore need to provide some additional information before a payment is made. This can be provided using an online form. These households will receive their instruction letter, which will include a unique access key over the next couple of weeks.

The borough council is also reassuring residents that if they have not received a payment yet, they will be issued with a letter by the end of June inviting them to make a claim for their energy rebate payment. The information in early media reports claiming that the last day to make a claim was 15 June are incorrect.

The team is on target to pay completed applications within 28 days of receiving the completed form.

Simon Dix, head of finance & asset management, said “Our energy rebate team is on target to ensure payments are made to the correct households as quickly as possible. We are very aware of the soaring costs of energy bills and I am keen to ensure all eligible residents receive their rebate and are able to benefit from the scheme.”

If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact the energy rebate team on 01684 272111 or at

More information can be found at