
Remote Severn Ham Committee Meeting – 30th April 2020

This meeting will be held remotely by Zoom at 9am.  The meeting ID is 940 2705 2163 and the password is 025794  

Members of the public are welcome to join the meeting.  In order to help us run the meeting as smoothly as possible, we would appreciate it if any questions could be emailed in advance of the meeting to

One thought on “Remote Severn Ham Committee Meeting – 30th April 2020

  1. Sorry I missed the Meeting, but would like to discuss the following for next meeting if no resolution is found before that date.

    The continued and now escalating non-compliance of some the rules applicable on entrance to the Severn Ham. The Rules are well posted at both entrances, but very few humans read them and now in addition, due to the bird breading season additional signs have been posted warning humans to stick to the paths and keep dogs on a leash (an existing rule anyway)
    • Litter, the rules say “take home your litter” but as per one photo attached it is getting worse. The area at the Upper Lode Weir is the worst. I have personally collected an estimated 40 litres of rubbish and put in our rubbish bins back at Priors Court.
    • Bicycles, Not allowed but on the increase by both parents and siblings alike. Today there was a group of 4 youths. I decided not to challenge them. I really don’t know how they get the cycles through the gates, have yet to witness that!
    • Today during my short walk on the Ham, I challenged two dogs as to why they were not on the lead, there owners replied on their behalf “Nobody does it”. I responded that they had just in past 5 mins walked past 1 Ham notice board and 2 very noticeable noticeboards on the bird breeding notification . This set of owners reply just goes to show the attitude of the majority of dog companions (Humans), During my walk today not a single dog was on the lead.

    I have one comment, the new information boards are great, stylish and look good BUT the “RULES” are barely noticeable in the colour and size used in the bottom right quadrant

    • Use social media to reinforce the rules asap
    • Put an article in the next “Tewkesbury News”
    • Use local radio and press to publish an article ASAP

    I would like to be contacted regarding this matter.

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