Attached is detail of the A46 Worcestershire bends and junctions improvement work on the A46, expected to be completed by 6th May 2022. A46 Worcestershire bends and junctions improvement...
M5 Southbound Junction 8 to Junction 9 Safety Barrier Replacement
There will be work taking place along M5 southbound between junction 8 and junction 9 overnight from 10 January 2022 to 18 March 2022, Monday to Friday 8pm to 6am. Please see below link which...
Winter Newsletter 2022
The Tewkesbury Town Council winter newsletter is now available: Winter Newsletter...
70th Anniversary of Queen’s Accession to the Throne
On Sunday 6th February, the 70th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne was marked by a proclamation from the Tewkesbury Town Crier. The Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk were...
2022-2023 Budget and Precept Information
Please click on the below link to view the precept information: TTC budget and precept...
Town Councillor Vacancies
Interested in becoming a Town Councillor? Why not give us a call on 01684 294639 to find out...
Tewkesbury Town Civic Awards 2022
Do you know an individual or group who has made an outstanding and positive contribution to our local community and demonstrated exceptional community spirit and civic responsibility? Then we...
Notice of Councillor Vacancy
Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Helen Davis, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Tewkesbury South Ward of Tewkesbury Town Council. Full details are...
2030 Event Feedback
Details about the 2030 event including the feedback report issues in November 2021 can be accessed via this...
Tewkesburys Together Festival Videos 2021
A collection of videos from the Tewkesbury Together Festival 2021 – a time to celebrate and learn more about not only our own Tewkesbury, but other Tewkesburys around the...