
M5 junction 9 Ashchurch Roundabout resurfacing

National Highways have asked us to inform you of some upcoming essential resurfacing work at M5 junction 9 Ashchurch Roundabout. As part of the work, they will be resurfacing the road to provide a smoother, safer carriageway for road users.

They will work overnight whilst traffic is lower from 9pm to 6am from Thursday 30 May to Wednesday 6 June 2024, excluding weekends.

To maintain safety, they’ll install a full closure of the M5 junction 9 southbound exit slip, as well as single lane closures of the other entry and exit slip around the roundabout. During closures, fully signed diversion routes will be in place.

For further information:

If you have any questions, or if you would like to know more about the work, please call National Highways on 0300 123 5000 or email