
Holiday Activity Camp activities for children in need over Easter – April 2022

A number of youth service providers have come together to work with Young Gloucestershire to deliver a range of free children’s holiday activities over the Easter period. The flyer is generic as they intend to deliver the same in the summer and autumn this year as well.  However, the link gives the details of what is on from direct activity camps, sports, arts and crafts through to tokens for free days out for the family.  Free food boxes are also being made available so those families in need during the holidays have enough food for their children during the period that their free school meals are unavailable.

Priority places are being given to children eligible for free school meals.  However places are also available to those children assessed as being in need, looked after children, children with an education, health & care plan. Children living in areas of deprivation. Children who have been impacted by covid and those children otherwise considered as vulnerable. To book a place or ask a question please log on to: